
Truly Malaysia

Magnificent Malaysia – More than just a sports tour. Renowned for its stunning sandy beaches, lush rainforests, exotic wildlife, world-class diving and diverse cultural influences, this Southeast Asian country is an unspoilt paradise waiting to be explored.

A friendly and sport loving nation, Malaysians enjoy both recreational anticipation and competing as well as spectating and consequently have developed several exceptional sporting facilities throughout the county making it an ideal location for all types of sports

At Lions Sports Travel, we believe that sports tours should also include a careful mix of leisure days to allow an opportunity for sight-seeing exploration, adventure and relaxation to gleam an appreciation of the country being visited.

For example, a visit to the national capital city Kuala Lumpur wouldn’t be complete without a walk across the famous Sky Bridge which joins the world’s tallest and most iconic twin towers together, the Petronas Towers. Wildlife lovers will relish the opportunity to observe the orphaned orangutans at the Sepilok Orang Utang Rehabilitation Centre in Sabah and snorkellers/divers can explore some of the most pristine reefs on earth between the islands that make up the Tunku Abdul Rohman National Park.

Malaysia also enjoys tropical weather year-round and whilst sometimes humid, it never feels too hot with temperatures ranging from 20 to 30 degrees on average throughout the year.

Traditional Malaysian cuisine is a sensational mix of influences from India, China, Indonesia and Thailand; not surprising therefore that Malaysia is often described as a ‘Food Heaven’ and is sure to satisfy every taste bud.

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    Sports Played in Malaysia

    Tours in Malaysia